Ellen Page is gay- which makes me love her even more

I normally don’t give one about celebrities…

…but I do actually care about both Gay Rights and Ellen Page, so I felt the need to write about it.
I love Ellen Page and I think it’s great.
The courage she has to say this is incredible, especially with the film industry’s standards (which she mentions in her speech). You can even even hear her voice waver and hand shake during the speech.
People said that it was unnecessary and that she doesn’t need to flaunt her sexuality around; but I think it was also to give a message that being gay is fine- bullying and stigma against it should stop. I’ve never seen any real bullying (my school is posh), but I can imagine that it happens. 3 of my good friends are bisexual. I don’t think it’s a big deal, and I didn’t see them any differently when they said they were; but some people did. Which is a shame.
But I also kind of think it should be unnecessary.
To me Gay Rights just make sense. Please stop spewing your selective religious quotes crap. ay Marriage doesn’t hurt anyone, it doesn’t make other marriages somehow less valuable. So just shut the fuck up.
When I went on the Challenge, the organisers did a thing where we would stand on different sides of the room depending on our political views. The demographic was pretty spread out too: there were lots of people from lots of backgrounds. My faith in humanity was slightly restored when around 50 of the 60 were for Gay Marriage. Another 6 were in the middle.
I know that Gay Marriage etc is an issue for some, but that’s all it will ever be: a temporary social issue that will be the norm in a couple of decades. I see it like the same ‘issue’ women’s rights were. Society evolves. The haters are eventually seen as old and outdated. It’s sad that it was even an issue and she had to make a difficult speech to begin with.

Cobwebs and skeletons.

Bloody hell I haven’t written here in ages. (though the last post was actually only a month ago)
I’m going to try and keep it short.

How has this been getting views while it’s been deserted and how do we have 92 wordpress followers, I am pretty darn sure it was not that much when I last made a post.
Well seeing it… makes me feel a little guilty really, it does sort of feel as if we’ve kept everyone holding the breath in waiting…

Though there is something about that makes me smile,
it seems as if there is hope.
Which for personal reasons I find especially warming. =P

Also there is just one post of Jotunda’s with over 500 views on its own. O_O
In fact that’s what is getting all of our views…
I don’t quite know enough about internet browsers and stuff to know if this is really just bots…

oh yeah it’s Christmas in 5 days, so that’s good. :3
To be honest I would just like to get this blog to it’s 250th post already…… it’s stalled. :p

Cake and Driving

It’s been a while since a post here, so I wrote something

DW 50th anniversary stuff

For those who don’t know,this year is Doctor who’s 50th anniversary [1963-2013]. Various bits and bobs have been flung out the BBC marketing department faster than you can say Raxicollafallapatropius [If you don’t know what that is, look it up]. The best one include:

A british dalek


screw beefeaters,these should guard the crown jewels!

A nice set of reprinted old novels,with cool artwork


new audios read by old companions


probably the coolest thing ever to be in a post office


new novella written by brilliant writers, including the children’s laureate Malorie Blackman


t-shirts with designs relating to the show [the Kandyman is on one them! And I bet I’m the only one who knows who he is!] [or gets any of these references]


lego doctors, complete with sonics,umbrellas and recorders. unfortunately number six is missing his silly coat

Which is your favourite? answer in the comments below!

Worldwide Conspiracy

In the Harry Potter books, the chapter where Barty Crouch Jr. (played by David Tenant) dies is called ‘The Parting of the Ways’. The episode of Dr. Who where David Tenant is introduced is called ‘The Parting of the Ways’.

Illuminati working it’s magic.

In other news, I’m back. Don’t know why I didn’t write. I am doing now. Happy? No, thought not.

Pokemon,Time Lords and [anime] footballers

Life is good. X and Y are only two months away,a new Doctor has been announced, and Inazuma 11 3 is coming to Europe!

Why I’m excited for:

Pokemon X and Y

The new X and Y 3DS variants. God,they look good, much better than the Pikachu one. The Charizard one is still great though

Apart from those,the new pokemon announced are really cool. Except for one. Who’s idea was the perfume pokemon ? The psychic squid ,muscled panda and sentient cotton candy are all great though.

Doctor who:

As mentioned in my Doctor who post,I’ve been watching some old Whos, which is why I want a more Pertwee-esque Doctor. Hopefully,He will be less reliant on the sonic and more on physical skills [I may be the only one hoping for the return for Venusian Aikido, but I’m still hoping]

Inazuma 11 3

Anyone who’s played the first two will know what to expect.

Inazuma Japan. God, the haircuts are silly…

The characters are basically an amalgamation of the Raimon teams from the first two games,with a two players from the aliens and three unknowns. If you want to know the story,watch the anime. Basically, it’s the world cup. With Brits in it! Proper Stereotypical Brits! That drink tea and are condescending! I’ve been waiting ages for this to come to Europe, so them being released on September 27th is great. Please buy it! [If it sells well we might get Go and Chrono stone as well!]

Title (optional)

Just decided to go onto WordPress about 5 minutes ago or something, because I hadn’t been on for a while.

Turns out I registered on WordPress a year ago. huh.
I can’t remember the exact reason I joined WordPress, but it would have probably been to follow my friends blogs.
They’re ย  all ย  dead ย  now.

I know LoaBoP was the first blog (and still the only) I posted on.

Recently I’ve been doing some things.

I read a Brief History Of Time (by Stephen Hawking) last week or two and I did find it really quite interesting. ๐Ÿ™‚
I’d recommend it to any and all physics students.
Especially if you want to take it beyond A-Level, because it is the kind of book which you really should have read before any university interviews.
Though don’t expect a review from me, because I’m too lazy and unskilled to do it justice.

What else?
Well I’m now reading the book Flashforward (by Robert J. Sawyer), which was a birthday present from Kotaya.
Considering I am actually ย going to read it to the end, he’s not done too badly, though I would have preferred a chemistry textbook. ๐Ÿ˜‰
And afterwards I’m straight back into the non-fiction and will ย read Cosmos (by Carl Sagan). Lets hope it’s got bring print, because it’s a hardback edition I have and it’s probably an original one knowing my dad. ๐Ÿ™‚

As for things which aren’t 6th form prep.
I’ve seen Pacific Rim and World’s End.

Pacific Rim is simple.
Aliens fight humans.
Humans have robots to fight with.
War between and robots.
And that is the plot. So yes plot-wise it’s a simple film, but if you know what I’m on about then you’ll know that the whole point of Pacific Rim is really just to have Aliens fighting Robots.
And you know what, I like that.
So if you want to see 50ft tall Robots fighting 60ft tall Aliens by all means go and see it. ๐Ÿ˜€

Now World’s End is not as simple.
I’ll describe how it starts off.
5 lads have just finished their last day of high school and are now free. So their plan is to go on an epic pub crawl of 12 pubs-called The Golden Mile (I don’t condone this in anyway).
Unfortunately they don’t finish the 12 pubs and only got to 9.
20 years afterwards the old leader of the group wants another shot at trying to complete The Golden Mile and then the film goes on.
I would say this is better than Pacific Rim, because it does have a better plot.
Though there is one thing about this film which isn’t really necessary with Pacific Rim and that is, you really should go with a group of friends, so you can appreciate the fact it’s about a group of friends. ๐Ÿ˜€
Sounds simple and easy enough.

Yes I went with about 5 of my friends before you ask.

I also managed to find a copy of Psychonauts for the Xbox.
I’ve not played that much of it so far, but from what I have played it’s fantastic. ๐Ÿ˜€
It’s true I am a sucker for platformers with collectibles, but when I see this game it makes me laugh and smile.
It has a flair about it which says that the producer (the well esteemed Tim Schafer) took pride when he and everyone else made this.
Also I do like clearing emotional baggage. :3

I never did do a full post about my escapades at Tankfest, but it was simple. Tanks everywhere. ๐Ÿ˜€
Which came from me playing World Of Tanks and another thing has come from World Of Tanks, which is my liking for the anime Girls Und Panzer. (so girls and tanks)
I suppose if you want watch it then be my guest. The series is short, only about 12 episodes, but it’s being released with an English dub soon (it already has English subtitles) and I think it’s going to get a second series. :3

Oh I also went ice skating last week…
You may/may not remember my disdain when it comes to swimming, but yeah it’s repeated here.

~ because screw ice rinks, Jawkins

The next Doctor- Peter Capaldi


Peter Capaldi is the next Doctor! He is aged 55,much older than the three ย newest Doctors,and previously appeared in the program as Caecillius in the Fires of Pompeii. Strangely,ex-companion Karen Gillan also made her first Who appearance in this episode. So,what’s your view on this? Please comment with your opinions!

The Master likes him!

So does Charizard!


Sleeping, bees, and fists of fury

I have returned to sow the seeds of awesome in your hearts and minds! Or at least entertain you for a few minutes in a what appears to be a desperate attempt to make you like me. Having said that, it only appears to be said attempt and in actual fact it’s a ploy to create a cult of personality which is the first step on the road to world domination (Mwuhahahaha). So now, ever benevolent as I am, I’ve warned you of my evil intent, your welcome.

I woke up this morning feeling pretty proud of myself. I hadn’t bothered to set an alarm yet I woke up at exactly nine o’clock. I don’t know weather mother nature was responsible as the wind rushing through my window made my door which I had left ever so slightly ajar, bang against its frame. But I’d like to think that to some extent waking up at exactly the time I wanted to was a direct result of my sheer amount of awesomeness.

So, moving swiftly on lets begin.


I refuse to let Wai On steal my signature pic

I was thinking about sleeping. Not sleeping in all it’s philosophical forms and dreaming and lucid dreaming etc. Good heavens I daren’t make a post about that for fear of sounding incredibly pretentious. I’d leave he pseudo intellectual things to my esteemed colleague Edmund as he seem so be good at that sort of thing. I jest of course I’d never be that mean to anyone especially on the internet.

So, sleeping. Or should I say me sleeping because it seems that I sleep in what couldย be considered an unorthodox manner. For some reason my first instinct when I wake up is that whatever woke me up is a threat and to brutally murder it accordingly, which makes for happy times when my parents decide to come into my room and wake me up rather than just shout at me from the doorway which seems to be their preferred method. And by happy times I mean waking up with a start and very nearly accidentally headbutting my mother. And yes, it’s always my mother because when my father decides to wake me up he prefers to use his incredibly long arm span ,which I inherited, to poke me from a distance. Either that or he opens my door, shouts ‘ Time to get up son’ and throws a pillow, which I can only assume is made of lead, directly onto my sleeping face, which in hindsight is probably why I fear for my life for the first two seconds of each morning.

Furthermore I wake up every morning with a fear of a bee invasion. The thing is I’ve never actually been stung by a bee. and I attribute this to several things, and by several I mean two. Firstly I feel the need to kill any bees in a 20 foot radius of me. And secondly running is a thing…

So why do I fear a bee invasion? There used to be a bee hive in my neighbor’s backyard and on a ridiculously high number of occasions, I’d left my window open and returned to find bees in my room, flying around like they ‘run tings’. However when they moved away the people who moved in decided to destroy/remove said hive for which I would be eternally ย grateful had there not been reasons which I daren’t say…

So there you have it. A perfectly good explanation for when I inevitably wake up screaming, “BEES! NOOOOO!!”, and punch someone in the face.
In advance I’d like to say to whoever will be on the receiving end of my fearsome right hook, my apologies.

[Insert catchy sign off here],
Jotunda– the man who makes it sizzle

A rather optimistic post.

Today I took my cats, Max and Paddy to the vets for their annual check up.

Paddy was first, he is overweight but healthily so, happy in his own ditzy little way.

Max however, a peculiar animal, who is incredibly shy and refined, was not so okay. The vet noticed a considerably large patch of fur missing under her right leg, she had been licking herself repeatedly. My cat was effectively self harming. The vet said she was depressed and incredibly stressed out, her relationships with the other cats in my house were making her unhappy and she wasn’t coping.

My poor little kitty is ill.


But, this whole little crisis made me think.

Firstly, depression is an illness that affects rather a lot of people, but many don’t perceive it as a real illness because there are no physical deformities or wounds. Depression is a mental illnesses which can lead to numerous other symptoms, such as self-harming, because some people who suffer with depression see it as a way of coping with their illness.

Depression is something that should be acknowledged more because it can affect anyone; wether your a cat, a lawyer, an astronaut or even a teenager.
Just because there are no physical symptoms doesn’t mean a person is not ill.

I was just thinking about this alot over the past few days because it’s an issue which means alot to me. And now with my cat being ill, it makes it more personal. I believe it is crucial that people understand the fact that depression is a medical illness that requires medicines and therapy, it’s not just feeling a bit depressed, it’s a genuine condition and we can’t just to ignore it.